Recent Spectrum |
BV Bands |

B and V luminosity according to the orbital phase. The current cycle in black.
Orbital Phase: Lines, 1988
P = 227.67 d
2435687.6 ("conjunction with M3III behind") |

Evolution 2023-2024 |
2023-04: End of the "big active phase" |
2023: very low activity |
Flux H alpha from flux calibrated spectra |
Evolution |
2013-2023 |
One of the key feature of the evolution of the sytem during the high state 2015-2023 (big active phase, according the terminomogy suggested by Ielkiewicz+ 2016) is the intensity of He II 4686 line (see e.g. Ilkiewicz+, 2016)
The spectra acquired in 2023 show the fast decrease of He II.
The high cadency monitoring allows to detect precisely the stepped decrease of ionization on JD 2460048 +/- 6.
ATel#16109 T CrB: the active spectroscopic phase (2015-2023) is over |
recent H alpha profiles compared to the pseudo-continuum of a red giant M4III
spectra T CrB : Joan Guarro
spectrum M4 III : Francois Teyssier
spectroscope: echelle NOUT R = 9000
The HI zone dominates the nebula |
Observers 2023- to date |
J.D. Hinnefeld, I. Diabassoura, F. Sims, A. Leduc, F. Teyssier, S. Curry, D. Boyd, D. Cujedo, J. Guarro Flo, C. Buil, G. Bertrand, E. Bertrand, X. Dupont, S. de Vischer, J. R. Foster, C. Boussin
R. Leabeater, C. Laulhère, J. Michelet, 2SPOT, K. Shank, V. Marie, V. Lecocq, C. Buil, G. Bertrand, |
Observers 2012-2022 |
F. Sims, P. Somogyi, J. Guarro Flo, F. Teyssier, I. Diabassoura, D. Boyd, C. Boussin, P.A. Dubovsky, T. Lester, F. Campos, A. Leduc, K. Shank, V. Lecoq, S. Curry, , J.R. Foster J. Montier, L. Franco,
U. Sollecchia, C. Buil, K. Graham, V. Bouttard, T. Medulka, CDZ, J. Martin, J. Michelet, M. Rodriguez, R. Ehlert, P. Cazatto, O. Garde, F. Boubault, M. Verlinden, Y. Markus, P. Berardi,
S. de Visscher, X. Dupont, G. Bertrand, J. Coffin, M. Le Lain, C. Laulhere, R Ehlert, J.D. Hinnefeld, J. Lecomte, S. Charbonnel, G. Martineau, Y. Buchet, J.P. Godard, T. Rodda,
E. Bertrand, H. Boussier, J.B. Desrosiers, J.P. Masviel, D. Li, C. Revol, A.J. Wilson, C. Kreider |
Spectra T CrB Eruptive Stars Database:
Schaefer, B. E, MNRAS, 2023
Schaefer, B. E, AAS, 2019
Luna, G.J.M, Sokoloski J.L., Mukai K., and Kuin, N.P.M, 2020, ApJ
Iłkiewicz, K., Mikołajewska, J., Stoyanov, K., Manousakis, A., Miszalski, B., MNRAS, 2016
The "Super-Active" Accretion Phase of T CrB has Ended
Munari, Ulisse
Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 7, Issue 7, id.145.
ATel #16107 2023-06-30
T CrB: the active spectroscopic state (2014-2023) is over
F. Teyssier, J. D. Hinnefeld, C. Boussin, I. Diabassoura , J. Guarro Flo, F. Sims, A. Leduc, S. Curry, D. Boyd, D. Cujedo (ARAS Group), S. N. Shore (Univ. of Pisa)
ATel #16107 2023-06-30
Recurrent nova T CrB has just started its Pre-eruption Dip in March/April 2023, so the eruption should occur around 2024.4 +- 0.3
Bradley E. Schaefer (Louisiana State Univ.), Brian Kloppenborg (AAVSO), Elizabeth O. Waagen (AAVSO), and the AAVSO observers
ATel #16114 2023-07-03
Swift observations of the changes in the brightness of the recurrent nova T CrB
N Paul Kuin (MSSL), Gerardo Juan Manuel Luna (CONICET/ U. of Hurlingham), Kim Page (Leicester U), Koji Mukai (NASA/GSFC & UMBC), Jennifer L Sokoloski (Columbia U), Julian P. Osborne (Leicester U), Bradley E. Schaefer (Louisiana U)
ATel #16023 2023-04-30
Strong flickering from the recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis ATel #16023
M. Minev, R. Zamanov, K. Stoyanov (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
ATel #15916 2023-02-28
Persistent flickering of T CrB during the high activity state pre-nova outburst phase
S. N. Shore (Univ. Pisa), F. Teyssier (ARAS Group)