Data : vizier search M67 r = 30'
Isophotes : Photometric system Gaia EDR3
import os
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def ellipse (x0,y0,a,b):
theta = np.linspace( 0 , 2 * np.pi , 360 )
x = x0 + a*np.cos(theta)
y = y0 + b*np.cos(theta)
return x, y
def pc2al (d_pc):
d_al = d_pc * 3.26
return d_al
def plx2d_pc(plx):
d_pc = 1/plx
return d_pc
path = r'D:\DUAO\Amas'
df0 = pd.read_csv("M67.csv",sep = ";")
_describe = 0
_display = 0
if _describe :display(df1.describe())
if _display : display(df1.sample(100))
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 6
ax1.plot(abs(df1["pmRA"]),df1["e_pmRA"],'o',markersize = 1)
ax1.set_title("e = f(pmRA)")
ax2.plot(abs(df1["pmDE"]),df1["e_pmDE"],'o',markersize = 1)
ax2.set_title("e )= f(pmDE)")
ax3.plot(df1["Plx"],df1["e_Plx"],'o',markersize = 1)
ax3.set_title("e = f(Plx)")
ax4.plot(abs(df1["Gmag"]),df1["e_Gmag"],'o',markersize = 1)
ax4.set_title("e = f(Gmag")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'e = f(Gmag')
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 6
ax1.hist(df1["e_pmRA"],bins = 30)
ax1.set_title("e = f(pmRA)")
ax2.hist(df1["e_pmDE"],bins = 30)
ax2.set_title("e = f(pmDE)")
ax3.hist(df1["e_Plx"],bins = 30)
ax3.set_title("e = f(Plx)")
ax4.hist(df1["e_Gmag"],bins = 30)
ax4.set_title("e = f(Gmag)")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'e = f(Gmag)')
count 5286.000000 mean -5.401819 std 10.173552 min -229.438000 25% -10.893750 50% -4.727500 75% -0.546750 max 163.074000 Name: pmRA, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean -4.804093 std 11.224085 min -387.849000 25% -5.264750 50% -2.937500 75% -1.490500 max 49.365000 Name: pmDE, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean 0.979845 std 1.186904 min -9.358600 25% 0.417275 50% 1.000250 75% 1.246400 max 22.044800 Name: Plx, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean 17.861055 std 2.451274 min 7.543855 25% 16.211755 50% 18.553976 75% 19.882385 max 21.007792 Name: Gmag, dtype: float64
percentile = [.0,0.5,0.75,0.9,0.95,0.99]
display(df1["e_pmRA"].describe(percentiles = percentile),df1["e_pmDE"].describe(percentiles = percentile),df1["e_Plx"].describe(percentiles = percentile),df1["e_Gmag"].describe(percentiles = percentile))
count 5286.000000 mean 0.401080 std 0.508151 min 0.013000 0% 0.013000 50% 0.210000 75% 0.524000 90% 1.047000 95% 1.525750 99% 2.423500 max 3.210000 Name: e_pmRA, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean 0.289461 std 0.359850 min 0.010000 0% 0.010000 50% 0.157000 75% 0.386750 90% 0.743000 95% 1.074000 99% 1.716300 max 2.416000 Name: e_pmDE, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean 0.367427 std 0.442563 min 0.013300 0% 0.013300 50% 0.204200 75% 0.503575 90% 0.946600 95% 1.331075 99% 1.972975 max 3.576100 Name: e_Plx, dtype: float64
count 5286.000000 mean 0.004217 std 0.002141 min 0.002758 0% 0.002758 50% 0.003262 75% 0.004814 90% 0.007180 95% 0.008852 99% 0.011810 max 0.028395 Name: e_Gmag, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(df1["Plx"],bins = 30)
(array([1.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 4.000e+00, 2.000e+00, 2.800e+01, 7.900e+01, 4.970e+02, 2.412e+03, 1.818e+03, 2.760e+02, 9.100e+01, 3.300e+01, 2.200e+01, 7.000e+00, 4.000e+00, 3.000e+00, 3.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 2.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 2.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 1.000e+00]), array([-9.3586 , -8.31182, -7.26504, -6.21826, -5.17148, -4.1247 , -3.07792, -2.03114, -0.98436, 0.06242, 1.1092 , 2.15598, 3.20276, 4.24954, 5.29632, 6.3431 , 7.38988, 8.43666, 9.48344, 10.53022, 11.577 , 12.62378, 13.67056, 14.71734, 15.76412, 16.8109 , 17.85768, 18.90446, 19.95124, 20.99802, 22.0448 ]), <BarContainer object of 30 artists>)
Plx_max = 0.13
e_pmRA_max = 1
e_pmDE_max = 1
e_Gmag_max = 0.1
Gmag_max = 18
Plx_min = 0
df2 = df1.loc[df1["Plx"] > 0.2]
print("Nb Stars Plx >" + str(Plx_min) +": ",df2["Plx"].count())
df2 = df2.loc[df2["Gmag"] < Gmag_max]
print("Nb Stars Gmag <" + str(Gmag_max) +": ",df2["Plx"].count())
df2 = df2.loc[df1["e_Plx"] < 0.2]
df2 = df2.loc[df1["e_pmRA"] < 1]
df2 = df2.loc[df1["e_pmDE"] < 1]
df2["Grandeur"] = Gmag_max - df2.Gmag
stats = df2.Grandeur.describe()
delta_mag = stats[3] - stats[7]
df2.Grandeur = df2.Grandeur.apply(lambda x: 1.1**x)
stats = df2.Grandeur.describe()
5286 Nb Stars Plx >0: 4449 Nb Stars Gmag <18: 2186 2162 2162 2162 count 2162.000000 mean 2.567459 std 1.837016 min 0.002792 25% 0.995230 50% 2.295671 75% 3.821713 max 10.456145 Name: Grandeur, dtype: float64 count 2162.000000 mean 1.297827 std 0.243906 min 1.000266 25% 1.099500 50% 1.244583 75% 1.439431 max 2.708993 Name: Grandeur, dtype: float64
count 2162.000000 mean 1.230843 std 1.203307 min 0.202500 25% 0.784975 50% 1.129950 75% 1.201750 max 22.044800 Name: Plx, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#sizes = df2.Grandeur
ax.plot(df2["RA_ICRS"],df2["DE_ICRS"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax.set_title("Champ M67 d = 30'",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlabel("RA [°]",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_ylabel("RA [°]",fontsize = 10)
#figsize, axis equal, Grandeur...
Text(0, 0.5, 'RA [°]')
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
ax1.plot(df2["pmRA"],df2["pmDE"], 'o',markersize = 1)
#ax1.set_title("Champ M67 d = 30'",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_xlabel("pmRA [mas]",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_ylabel("pmDE [mas]",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_xlim(-40, 20)
#ax.set_aspect( 1 )
x0 = -11
y0 = -2.9
a =2
c=1# ajsutement de la dimension du crop
theta = np.linspace( 0 , 2 * np.pi , 360 )
x = x0 + a*np.cos(theta)
y = y0 + b*np.sin(theta)
#ellipse (x0,y0,a,b)
ax2.plot(df2["pmRA"],df2["pmDE"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax2.set_title("crop",fontsize = 10)
ax2.set_xlabel("pmRA [mas]",fontsize = 10)
ax2.set_ylabel("pmDE [mas]",fontsize = 10)
ax2.set_xlim(x0-c, x0+c)
plt.plot([x0,x0],[y0-c,y0+c],color = "g",linewidth = 0.5)
plt.plot([x0-c,x0+c],[y0,y0],color = "g",linewidth = 0.5)
plt.text(x0+c-0.5, y0+c-0.1,"pmRA ~ "+ str(x0) + " mas")
plt.text(x0+c-0.5, y0+c-0.2,"pmDE ~ "+ str(y0) + " mas")
Text(-10.5, -2.1, 'pmDE ~ -2.9 mas')
### add densité
pm_r = 1
df2["pm_d"] = np.sqrt((df2["pmRA"] - x0)**2 + (df2["pmDE"] - y0)**2)
df3= df2.loc[df2["pm_d"] < pm_r]
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 6
ax1.hist(df3["pmRA"],bins = 30)
ax2.hist(df3["pmDE"],bins = 30)
ax3.hist(df3["Plx"],bins = 30)
ax4.hist(df3["Gmag"],bins = 30)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Gmag')
RA_ICRS | e_RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | e_DE_ICRS | Plx | e_Plx | PM | pmRA | e_pmRA | pmDE | e_pmDE | Gmag | e_Gmag | BPmag | e_BPmag | RPmag | e_RPmag | BP-RP | _RAJ2000 | _DEJ2000 | Grandeur | pm_d | |
count | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 | 963.000000 |
mean | 132.849697 | 0.038487 | 11.818487 | 0.020768 | 1.151889 | 0.046642 | 11.351873 | -10.969757 | 0.048394 | -2.911672 | 0.035827 | 14.910676 | 0.002813 | 15.425139 | 0.006548 | 14.264629 | 0.004770 | 1.160510 | 132.849747 | 11.818500 | 1.363698 | 0.269416 |
std | 0.175392 | 0.028489 | 0.172438 | 0.015429 | 0.086118 | 0.034785 | 0.224924 | 0.224209 | 0.036219 | 0.228344 | 0.026905 | 1.847972 | 0.000169 | 2.043984 | 0.006709 | 1.698319 | 0.002121 | 0.425569 | 0.175393 | 0.172438 | 0.247898 | 0.175506 |
min | 132.349112 | 0.011300 | 11.317111 | 0.006100 | 0.696600 | 0.013300 | 10.457000 | -11.799000 | 0.013000 | -3.814000 | 0.010000 | 8.222472 | 0.002758 | 9.105073 | 0.002802 | 7.300713 | 0.003779 | -0.102004 | 132.349162 | 11.317124 | 1.000266 | 0.009055 |
25% | 132.742186 | 0.016850 | 11.719098 | 0.009000 | 1.120450 | 0.020250 | 11.210500 | -11.091000 | 0.021000 | -3.051000 | 0.016000 | 13.492197 | 0.002763 | 13.796419 | 0.002880 | 13.034657 | 0.003825 | 0.788301 | 132.742237 | 11.719111 | 1.167364 | 0.148600 |
50% | 132.845627 | 0.027400 | 11.815933 | 0.014700 | 1.152800 | 0.033400 | 11.345000 | -10.974000 | 0.034000 | -2.918000 | 0.025000 | 14.985489 | 0.002770 | 15.392708 | 0.003308 | 14.402118 | 0.003979 | 1.034775 | 132.845675 | 11.815946 | 1.332842 | 0.235926 |
75% | 132.957440 | 0.050350 | 11.911461 | 0.027400 | 1.185400 | 0.060950 | 11.483000 | -10.827000 | 0.064000 | -2.783000 | 0.048000 | 16.376373 | 0.002815 | 17.046806 | 0.006722 | 15.609744 | 0.004882 | 1.462490 | 132.957490 | 11.911474 | 1.536704 | 0.335306 |
max | 133.333803 | 0.167500 | 12.302884 | 0.090100 | 1.862500 | 0.193800 | 12.231000 | -10.058000 | 0.209000 | -1.942000 | 0.167000 | 17.997208 | 0.006879 | 19.217754 | 0.043493 | 17.028120 | 0.038080 | 2.323196 | 133.333852 | 12.302897 | 2.539324 | 0.982153 |
Tri complémentaire sur la base de la parallaxe
#Vérification Parallaxe
Plx_med = 1.153
d_mean = "{:.3}".format(1/Plx_med)
df4 = df3.loc[(df3["Plx"]>1.153-0.08) & (df3["Plx"]<1.153+0.08)]
count 763.000000 mean 1.154127 std 0.034779 min 1.074900 25% 1.130450 50% 1.153500 75% 1.177700 max 1.231900 Name: Plx, dtype: float64
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
#sizes = df2.Grandeur
ax1.plot(df4["RA_ICRS"],df4["DE_ICRS"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax1.set_title("Champ M67 d = 30'",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_xlabel("RA [°]",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_ylabel("RA [°]",fontsize = 10)
ax1.set_xlim(132, 134)
ax2.quiver(df4["RA_ICRS"],df4["DE_ICRS"],df4["pmRA"],df4["pmDE"],scale = 200)
#figsize, axis equal, Grandeur...
<matplotlib.quiver.Quiver at 0x2dda71a16a0>
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3)
ax1.hist(df4["PM"],bins = 30)
ax2.hist(df4["pmRA"],bins = 30)
ax3.hist(df4["pmDE"],bins = 30)
(array([ 3., 1., 2., 1., 4., 3., 4., 18., 15., 25., 60., 68., 84., 103., 90., 93., 54., 49., 30., 21., 8., 5., 8., 6., 1., 3., 2., 0., 1., 1.]), array([-3.746 , -3.68586667, -3.62573333, -3.5656 , -3.50546667, -3.44533333, -3.3852 , -3.32506667, -3.26493333, -3.2048 , -3.14466667, -3.08453333, -3.0244 , -2.96426667, -2.90413333, -2.844 , -2.78386667, -2.72373333, -2.6636 , -2.60346667, -2.54333333, -2.4832 , -2.42306667, -2.36293333, -2.3028 , -2.24266667, -2.18253333, -2.1224 , -2.06226667, -2.00213333, -1.942 ]), <BarContainer object of 30 artists>)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
df4["B-R"] = df4.BPmag - df4.RPmag
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#sizes = df4.Grandeur
ax.plot(df4["B-R"],df4["Gmag"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax.set_title("Diagramme HR M67",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlabel("B - R",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_ylabel("G",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 2.5)
#figsize, axis equal, Grandeur...
(18.0, 8.0)
Magnitude absolue Choix Extinction interstellaire A
A = 0.1
def abs_mag(m,d,A):
# m = magnitude relative ; d= distance en parsec ; A = absorption interstellaire en magnitude
M = m - 5*np.log10(d) + 5 - A
return M
absMag = abs_mag(8,883,0)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
d = 883
df4["absB"] = df4["BPmag"].apply(lambda x: x - 5*np.log10(883) + 5 - .1)
df4["absG"] = df4["Gmag"].apply(lambda x: x - 5*np.log10(883) + 5 - .1)
df4["absR"] = df4["RPmag"].apply(lambda x: x - 5*np.log10(883) + 5 - .1)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
df4["B-R"] = df4.absB - df4.absR
count 763.000000 mean 4.759315 std 1.738028 min -1.607332 25% 3.512710 50% 4.711729 75% 6.023683 max 8.157878 Name: absG, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#sizes = df4.Grandeur
ax.plot(df4["B-R"],df4["absG"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax.set_title("Diagramme HR M67 Magnitude absolue",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlabel("B - R",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_ylabel("G",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 2.5)
x = 0.74
ax.plot([x,x],[10,-5],color = "g",linewidth = 0.5)
#figsize, axis equal, Grandeur...
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2dda76156a0>]
Ajustement isochrone
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#sizes = df4.Grandeur
ax.plot(df4["B-R"],df4["absG"], 'o',markersize = 1)
ax.set_title("Diagramme HR M67 Magnitude absolue",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlabel("B - R",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_ylabel("G",fontsize = 10)
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 2.5)
df_iso0 = pd.read_csv(r"D:\DUAO\Amas\isochrones1.csv")
df_iso1 = df_iso0[df_iso0["logAge"] == 9.6]
df_iso1 = df_iso1[df_iso1["B-R"] < 2.5]
ax.plot(df_iso1["B-R"],df_iso1["Gmag"], 'o',markersize = 1)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2dda54ca730>]