Projets Spectroscopie 1
Etoiles Symbiotiques

Etoiles symbiotiques / Symbiotic Stars
Atlas spectroscopique / Spectroscopic atlas


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EG And
Type S
Eruptions Stable
Type Géante M3
Mag Range 7 - 7.5

A rather bright symbiotic, showing Ha shape and intensity variations with phase. A good target for high resoluttion spectroscopy.

AX Per
Type S
Eruptions Z And (3 mags range)
Type Géante M3III
Mag Range 10.5 - 12.5
Outburst mag 8.7 (1978, 1988-89)

A classical high excitation symbiotic
( note intense[FeVII] lines )

o Ceti ("Mira")
Type D
Eruptions -
Type Géante Mira M2-M7
Mag Range 2 - 10 (mira pulse)

The "wonderful" is also classified as a symbiotic in Belczinski catalog (Emission lines in UV spectrum). The dense companion was only recently discovered as a white dwarf. In visible range, the spectrum variaibility closely looks like a classic mira.

    BD Cam
UV Aur
Type D
Eruptions Stable
Type Géante Mira C8
Mag Range 7.5 - 11



The giant produces a typical carbon mira spectrum ; the periodic luminosity variation is produced by mira pulsation


V1261 Ori
Eruptions Stable
Type Géante S4.1 - M3
Mag Range 6.7 - 7.20

The cool component is a S type giant. Emission lines in UV (77 eV)

SS Lep *
Type Géante  
Mag 4.9

SS Lep is classified symbiotic in numerous data base such as Simbad, AAVSO or GCVS, but doesn't appear in any of the 3 symbiotics catalog.
This binary, recently resolved, shows however a noteworthy spectrum. A bright star for high resolution spectroscopy.

BX Mon
Type S
Eruptions Stable
Type Géante M4.5 III
Mag Range 9.3 - 13


A typical symbiotic star with strong Balmer emission lines and weak He lines.
Numerous outbursts (2.5 mag amplitude). Currently near mag 10.

V694 Mon
Type S
Eruptions Eruption permanente
Type Géante M6
Mag Range 9 -11.5


One of the more extrem star our the galaxy. This "exotic star" shows significant absorption compenents in the blue edge og the balmer lines. During outburst, the maximum velocity reaches 7000 km/sec ! They are formed in a jet pointing in our direction (like a blazar)

NQ Gem *
Type D (Mira C)
Eruptions Calme
Type Géante C6.2
Mag Range 7.5 - 8.5

* Suspected symbiotic star

Luminosity almost stable. Like EG And or UV Aur, the binary nature of NQ Gem only appears in the UV spectrum. However, nice carbon spectrum.

ZZ CMi *
Type S
Eruptions stable
Type Géante M6 III
Mag Range 9 - 11.5

Suspected symbiotic star

Type S
Type Géante K5.3
Mag Range 9 - 10.5

Low excitation (IPmax = 13.6 eV). Confirmed as a symbiotic by Kenyon (1986). In permanent outburst since 1970's with P-Cygni type spectrum.

Type S
Eruptions Nova récurrente
Type Géante M4.5 III
Mag Range 9.5 - 1.5
Outburt Mag 3.5

One of the four symbiotic recurrent novae (outburts date : 1866 and 1946)

    AG Dra
V934 Her *
Eruptions -
Type Géante  

Pas de raies d'émission détectées dans le visible. Suspectée comme symbiotique par Garcia & al. (1983)

RS Oph
Type S
Eruptions Nova récurrente
Type Géante K4-M0 I-II
Range Mag 9.5 - 13
Outburst Mag 5

Symbiotic recurrent nova.
~ 6 mag amplitude outburts in 1898 1907 1933 1945 1958 1967 1985 2006


YY Her
Type S
Eruptions Z And
Type Géante M2
Mag Range 12 - 13



Very similar to CI Cygni, one of the few symbiotics with accretion disk.







FG Ser
Type Géante  
Mag Range  


StHa 149
Type Géante  
Mag Range  
V443 Her
Type S
Eruptions Stable
Type Géante M5 III
Mag Range 11.2 - 12. 2


A rich emission lines spectrum with noticely He I and [OIII] prominent lines.

V1413 Aql
Type Géante  
Mag Range  
BF Cyg
Type S
Type Géante M5 III
Mag Range 9 -13.5
rem : en outburst, spectre ~ F5


A fairly weak excitation star, one of the prototype of symbiotics. Note intense Fe II emission lines.
CH Cyg
Type S
Eruptions Z And
Type Géante M6-M7
Mag Range 5 -11

A very peculiar symbiotic. CH Cyg was considered as a MK standart for M6 giant type before it began to vary in luminosity and show symbiotic characteristics.One of the rare symbiotics to show evidence for jets.Large luminosity amplitude (from mag 5 in outburt : one of the more luminous symbiotic to mag 11)

HM Sge
Eruptions Nova symbiotique
Type Géante M7
Mag Range  


CI Cyg
Type S
Type Eruption Z And
Type Géante M5.5
Mag Range 11 - 9

A classical high excitation Symbiotic. Three outburst in the 70' and two between 2009 and 2010. Accretion disk and jets. A rare exclipsing symbiotic.


V1016 Cyg
Type D
Eruptions Symbiotic nova
Type Géante Mira M7
Current Mag 11.5
Outburts Mag 10.5

On the decline of a long outburst that began in 1964 at mag 15.5 to reach a maximum at 10.5 ~1972). Very spectacular spectrum, closely similar to that of a high excited planetary nebula.


PU Vul
Type S
Eruptions Symbiotic nova
Type Géante  
Current mag


ER Del
Type Géante S 5.5 - 2.5

Sometimes HI emission lines appears in the optical upon the S type spectrum

StHa 190
Type Géante  
rem Yellow symbiotic


One of the rare yellow symbiotic stars : the giant is a G7III ; recently discovered (1983-1986)
StHa 190 shows highly variable bipolar mass outflow (unusual behaviour in symbiotic stars) with 300 km/s velocity.

AG Peg
Type S
Eruptions Nova symbiotique
Type Géante M3III
Current mag range 8 - 9

L'une des rares novae symbiotiques. Sa lente éruption, a démarré au milieu du XIXème sciècle poura atteindre un maximum vers 1870. Le trés lent déclin est toujours en cours.

The prototype of symbiotic noave. The outburst began in the midth of the XIXth century to reach a maximum near 1870. Very slow decline during about 130 years to the minimum luminosity reached at the end of the XXth century

R Aqr
Type D
Type Géante Mira M7-M8
Mag range 6 -12 (mira pulse)

Dramatic change in appearance according to the pulsation of the Mira. At minimum luminosity, forbidden lines [OIII] are particularly intense.
Survey during a pulse period is of great interest.

Z And
Type S
Eruptions Z And
Type Géante M2III

The classical symbiotic prototype, whose give its name to that class of stars in the General Catalog of Vraiable Stars. Frequent outbursts.




See also :